“I enjoyed my coaching sessions with Paul Thomas as he helped me move forward and define my goals more clearly.
I achieved significant progress during the course of our sessions and Paul was a good listener, providing me with encouragement and ideas when needed.
I would certainly recommend working with Paul as a coach if you feel stuck or overwhelmed in life and need some clarity, support or simply a ‘cheerleader’ to encourage you and help you move out of your comfort zone as Paul did for me!”
– Dawn M

” I began life coaching with Paul a number of years ago, more out of curiosity and opportunity than because I felt the need for it. My life was pretty wonderful and I didn’t believe that I would gain very much from this experience.
Before meeting with Paul I would have said that life coaching was something unnecessary for most people, but now I would encourage everyone to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, and I would totally recommend Paul as a life coach for anyone.
But to my great surprise I have found that Paul’s coaching has really improved my life, and helped me to clarify and visualise things in a way that I hadn’t before.
Paul has helped me to look at myself at a much deeper level, to consider what is truly important to me and to focus on those things, to bring them into being.
Over time, with Paul’s help and guidance, I have found more and more inspiration and motivation to re-define my life goals, and with his help, have put things in place to achieve these goals.
Paul has always pushed me to want more and has helped me to push a little harder than I thought I could, to really stretch myself and do more than I planned.
He is always so very supportive and encouraging, and when I have found myself falling behind he has been there to help me back onto the path again, making me feel welcomed back and not judged for being distracted for a while.
Now I find myself at a place where I am making such positive changes and heading forward in a really exciting and fulfilling way, evolving constantly, and Paul is a major factor in these beautiful changes.
Before meeting with Paul I would have said that life coaching was something unnecessary for most people, but now I would encourage everyone to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, and I would totally recommend Paul as a life coach for anyone.
He is positive, enthusiaistic, motivating, curious, engaging, interested and encouraging, and his help and support have been instrumental in setting me on a path towards a brighter and even more wonderful present and future.
Paul has the gift of being able to see your true potential, to enable you to see this as well, and to guide you towards a brighter life and self. My life has forever changed because of what Paul has done for me, and I am thankful and grateful to him. I feel truly blessed.”
Tori S
“Paul was really kind and understanding, we were able to work successfully through some personal stuff. Great guy to work with!”
Dolores M