You can go it alone
You decided that this year is your year. You are doing pretty well with your New Year’s Resolutions OK, let’s be honest, you have slipped a few times but after a break of a few days you’ve gotten back on track. After many past attempts at New Year’s Resolutions you have decided to make this work. But this year is going to be different. You have loaded the bases in your favour. You’ve bought a book or two on self-improvement; read them all the way through and feel confident that you will succeed. There are numerous books out there with every slant under the sun to help you.

So this time it will work
So this time you are armed and ready to make the changes you want to make in your life. So this time it will work, right.
With the best will in the world are going to slip. How do I know this, I have been in your shoes. I have let my New Year’s Resolutions slip one time; then one day; then one weekend occasionally even a whole week or two. I’ve said to myself, “oh just one day off won’t hurt me”; or “just this weekend, I’ll start back again Monday.”
A week or more later, the New Year’s Resolution has been a distant memory.
The slippery slope
The longer you let it slip, the harder it is to recover and the easier it is to drop the resolution altogether. The longer I didn’t partake in my new resolution, the easier it was for it to slip from my memory and then harder to start. Before I know it, Spring has sprung, and my New Year’s Resolution is a distant fading memory.
How do you support your resolution?
Having made a New Year’s Resolution and stuck to them, find a Life Coach. Even if you have slipped a little or even a lot, they will help you. They will support you in reaching your goals by holding you accountable and challenging you.
But surely I can use friends and family, I don’t need a Life Coach.
Here’s what’s wrong with using Friends and Family
- It may work but they will lose interest as there is no vested interest for them to do this.
- Even if you are doing it with them, as friends and family, it is easy to slip together.
- They might be judgemental of your goals or of your current position or success.
- They may only be partially supportive.
- They might not have the time to keep following up on you.
How can a Coach help?
- A Life Coach can help you define and refine the goals. There is no point in making goals that are not achievable. They will help set the right goal for you.
- They will keep you on track by making you accountable to them on a regular basis.
- They are non-judgemental.
- Coaches will challenge you when you need it.
- Coaches are committed to your success. Any good Life Coach only measures their success by your success. If you fail then so have they.
- A life coach will be supportive
Is it too late to find a life coach for your New Year’s Resolution?
No, it is never too late. Find yourself a Life coach and discuss with them what you want to achieve. Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss any goals or New Year’s Resolutions that have started to slip. It is never too late.
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With love and respect.